Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kia Ora

Kia Ora: Pardon my absense but I think 've finally got this blogging licked after a few tries at it. The "terrorist" threat in NZ has died down for now while the media get frenzied feeds from other distractions. There's always real murders, and murderers like Bell the triple murderer to flip over; in fact anything that doesn't overly tax the brain and stirs the emtions and lift blood pressure to enormous heights. We've had all sorts really; a snatched body from Masterton, an exorcism gone horribly wrong at Wainuiomata, and a fatal stabbing at Panmure. I've forgotten a few other bits of mayhem. Really this weeks been the pits. At least the Ninjas in pursuit of terrorism in Ruatoki and elsewhere had some real live drama and although it did frighten people, no one died as a result. For that we can be grateful. Only justice died somewhat that week. I won't even mention the bombing in Algiers apparently initiated by Al Kayhda. Lets hope next week can be incident free before Xmas so that we can enjoy some peace and salvage the goodwill destroyed by a knucklehead Police Commissioner in Ruatoki.

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