Thursday, November 3, 2011

Show Me The Money!!!

These are the immortal words of our show pony PM to Phil Goff. Now we know what elections and politics are all about. Money, money, money! As a former currency trader he would no doubt have urged this on his clients. He showed the rich the money by giving them a tax break. The idea of helping the rich is an old one in capitalism and is aptly described by a US economist. Its called "trickle down." He said that a horse eats the chaff at one end and the product is ejected at the other. The sparrow then grazes behind the horse pecking at the "trickle down." The trouble is that there's always millions more sparrows than horses. The poor are the sparrows. For the last three years unemployment has risen and so have beneficiary numbers. Housing problems in over crowding have arisen. The homeless wander the streets of all our major towns and cities. It's a sad and demeaning sight to see in a country that once was up in the top five of countries on per capita incomes. So Mr. Keys and Mr Goff; Show the money to those who need it; the sparrows not the horses. And Mr. Keys? Cut the horse shit!

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