Sunday, May 6, 2012

The US Marines Have Landed

In January I maintained that the US is the biggest raruraru in the world today in terms of military occupations, military bases and generally have by default become the new rulers of the world. Their strategy which seems to be in place regardless of their "Yes we can..." President, but not begun by him, is marching on regardless. It's obvious the "military-industrial complex" first expressed by former President Eisenhower a Republican is making huge profits from a massive military budget for those who produce the military hardware and these bases; occupying land in places like Italy, Okinawa Japan, and other places. The end of the cold war with Russia meant not peace, but more bases in countries occupied once by the Soviet Union. Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, a small colony of Britain was given to the US and the 2000 tangata whenua kicked out.The British Supreme Court has over-ruled all other judgements in favour of them.

This year so far they have set up in Darwin, Australia with at least 700 troops. How long before the tail starts to wag that dog? Waiouru became host to 70 US marines in military exercises. The secretary of the US "Homeland Security" vbisited to spread his brand of paranoia and claims that NZ and Australia are targets of terrorism. He leaves no evidence and obviously expects a response. I suspect that both governments have done a secret deal. His brand of toxic propoganda was on radio, but not on TV. Did I miss it? There was no questions about all of this in Parliament. Am I the paranoic one?

I don't think so. The US has about 250,000 military bases and installations in the world. Is Obama's new emphasis on the Asian-Pacific region going to mean more of their bases including NZ? Are we being set up? Given the imperial intentions of that nation since at least the end of WW2 I find it hard to believe that they won't at least ask NZ for a military base and the next thing nuclear weapons stationed here will become an issue like it was last time. Let's make it clear. We want nothing to do militarily with a country that has a human rights record in occupied countries, torture, and military crimes and human rights abuses as bad as theirs.

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