Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Four Years Later!

Looks like Tame Iti and 3 others have to wait until next February for justice while all the other "Terrorists" are let off. The police and the government just don't want to admit that it was gung ho over the top policing. The Maori Party have for once gone against their Show Pony P.M. and suggested a Commision of Emquiry into the whole shamozles. Somebody's head should roll over this and I suspect it is a top cop. But he's gone already isn't he? Frankly its been four years of rank stupidity and whoever gave the order should front up with an explanation. I suspect some SIS idiot had something to do with it.

Really this stuff leaves me speechless. Tuhoe's relations with the state have been for 150 years the pits but you'd think the current government would stop it. Now we know that this is all part of a refusal by the Govt. and their faithful to give back the Urewera National Park. Do they fear a terrorist army being nurtured in the bush? Our system of justice sucks and it and the top cops are fast losing our respect.

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