Sunday, January 20, 2008

Afghanistan: And the "good war."

It does seem that there's such a thing as a good war; especially if it's about securing oil pipiline routes through Afghanistan and in the process placating the most powerful in that country regardless of who they are how undemocratic and extreme. So what if women there have no rights and freedoms? John Pilger in his article (26th January 2007 New Statesman) interviewed "Marina" of the Raisa Women's Movement fighting for the very freedoms denied them by the current 'democratic' regime of the puppet Hamid Karsai. They have never had them according to 'Marina' regardless of regime. It does seem that before 9/11 the US had intended to invade that country in support of the Taliban. However and luckily for the imperialist intentions of the west, 9/11 intervened and the alleged culprit Bin Laden happened to be in that country. Now 'Marina' says that the US and their allies including NZ are there not to democratise that country nor free its women from oppression but to ensure that its own interests especially in oil are protected. That is why she says Bin Laden has not been captured nor the Taliban defeated. To do so would not provide a reason to stay in Afghanistan.
Pilger also says that Pakistan is very reluctant to do much about the Taliban because they are like the Pakistan majority ethnically. They too are Pashtuns. In the long term it looks like a resounding 'go home yank' and another defeat for the imperial intentions of the powerful. It doesn't matter if a bombing raid that lasted two hours in Niasi Qala at 3pm after the singing and dancing at a wedding party had long ceased killed 52 innocent people. not one Taliban and 24 children. There have been other atrocities. Like Vietnam the US fights its wars by looking 'down' on Afghanis literally as well a morally. They just don't give a stuff how many their machines kill. War crimes are committed by the defeated it seems. The powerful cannot be brought to book. But like most things, what comes around goes around. They'll get theirs in the end. How many 9/11s have been committed in Iraq and Afghanistan?

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