Friday, December 19, 2014

2014 And Xmas

This has been a turbulent year. In politics National won handsomely only to suffer after election headaches as the "dirty politics" saga rolled on as if their was no election and the questions in and out of parliament dug into some uncomfortable places and the new Labour leader told the PM to "cut the crap. The PM's smooth patter was shattered not only by Andrew Little but by the cartoon face of one Cameron Slater who was on txting contacts with the PM. Labour finally chose the right leader after a tortuous selection process. 

The Rock Star economy was nothing more than propaganda as National squandered the nine years of surpluses achieved by Labour only to borrow for its fiscal measures reduced by tax cuts for the well off and benefit cuts for beneficiaries while the medium and low paid not to mention child poverty bore the austerity that followed. And no. The predicted surplus this year did not happen. 

What about the Maori world? The Tainui, Ngai Tahu, Kahungunu and other iwi conglomerates go from strength to strength. Like others in business there has been some failures but by and large the future is looking good for Iwi. However the trick is whether Iwi members get some benefit at the grass roots. This is as difficult as any enterprise in NZ. The structure of corporates often does not get down that far. However if the education levels of Iwi Whanau can be lifted then whanau have a much better chance of benefitting in employment, economically and socially. That is where Iwi Corporates should put their investments initially. 

Well so much for the heavy stuff. These twin great grand daughters are what I got for Xmas this year. They are not two of the many children living in poverty according to the stats. Neither do they live in luxury. They are two of six children whose parents were fortunate enough to benefit from a social housing initiative from a housing charity. My many thanks to that charity. Their father works for  an enterprise now owned by an Iwi Corporate. These Angels look out to a  better world hopefully. 

Any way Merry Xmas to all of you whether you followed this blog or not. My two mokos also wish you all the best. Ma te Atua  tatou katoa e tiaki e manaaki i nga wa katoa. 

Atihana M. Johns